Our Top 5 Spring Cleaning Hacks

Our Top 5 Spring Cleaning Hacks

Spring is officially here! That means it’s time to freshen up your home. Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be an all-weekend affair. For the weekday warriors out there, here are some tasks that you can squeeze into any schedule.

  1. Get ready to open up those windows. As it warms up, make sure your windows are ready to let in a fresh breeze. In addition to your regular cleaning, check the screens for any damage and clear off any dust or dirt that may have accumulated in the tracks.
  2. Freshen up your bed. Wash and put away your heavy winter blankets or quilts. Bring out your airy spring linens and maybe even treat yourself to a new pillow set.
  3. Clean out your closet. Are there sweaters weighing down your closet organizer that haven’t been worn all winter? Now is a great time to clear them out and donate them.
  4. Spruce up your décor. Whether it’s changing out your whole color palette or putting up some recent photos, give yourself something new to look at.
  5. Clean out your refrigerator. Check out our post, How to Deep Clean Your Fridge in 30 Minutes or Less here.


Always be sure to check your Maintenance Tasks on your dwellingLIVE portal to make sure you are keeping up with your home’s recommended maintenance.